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SNU Notice

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SNU Notice

The 2008 College of Engineering Soccer Tournament

The annual sporting event, the 2008 College of Engineering Soccer Tournament will be held soon. All students who qualify for the tournament are strongly encouraged to participate.

Please check the below for the detailed information or visit the website ( for further information. Alternatively, you may contact the captain at 011-1715-1161.

(When signing in to the website, your chosen nickname should include the team name and one’s real name. For example, a person named ‘박정호’ from the team ‘공축’ can choose the nickname ‘[공축]박정호’. Applicants with anonymous nicknames will be withdrawn from the website for the purpose of preventing spam posts.)

1. Tournament Timeline

Registration Period

September 8th, Monday ~ September 12th, Friday

The Official Draw Date

planned on September 16th, Tuesday

Tournament Period

September 18th, Thursday ~ October 1st, Wednesday

2. Restriction on Team Numbers
32 teams can join on a first-come-first-served basis by order of payment. After 32 teams are made, no more teams will be allowed to participate in the game even if the fee has been paid.

3. Tournament Fee
The tournament fee is 70,000 won.

4. Duplicate Participation
Each individual can belong to only one team. Please ensure that your team members do not belong to another team. Teams containing members with a multiple membership will automatically lose the game 3-to-nothing and be disqualified from the tournament.

5. Qualification
All undergraduates, graduate students, staff members and professors in College of Engineering qualify for the game. Wild cards are also allowed.

6. Wild Card
Wild cards include students on leave of absence, graduates and current soccer team members of College of Engineering. There may be a maximum of 5 wild card players entered per team and 3 wild card players per game.

7. Change of Players
Up to 5 player changes can be made.

8. Player numbers in One Team
Both the application entry and the entry on the tournament day allow membership up to 23 people per team. The number of player of a team on any single game day is 11 and the minimum number is 7.

9. Necessary Documents
Every team member is required to present the certificate of studentship, holding office or diplomas to prevent disqualified players to participate in the game. The representatives of each team are required to submit the certificates when the official draw is held. With these certificates, the team members will be checked if they meet the qualification. Before the game starts, student identification card will be required for verification.

10. Seed Assignment
Teams who made the semifinals last year will get the seed if they participate this year. The relevant teams are ‘관악5리체육회’, ‘Cuccers’, ‘슛돌이 04’, ‘GeoSakas 믿음’. There will be 8 teams grouped into 4 teams and these 4 teams will be assigned by an official drawing of 4 teams.

11. Prizes
Prizes amounting to 1.3 million won is being prepared and souvenir t-shirts are being considered with the students’ association of College of Engineering.

The Captain of Soccer Club in College of Engineering, Jung Ho Park